Prayer Craft for Preschoolers

Well, I used some of the ideas I posted here earlier and made a prayer book with my 4 year old daughter! We learned a lot about prayer while we colored and put the book together. Ours was shaped like hands to help remind us to keep our hands folded while we pray. (My daughter has a lot of trouble with this at her preschool coop, so we're working on it). All of the printables came from The Catholic Toolbox. Here's the book!

Cover~ I traced my hand because hers wasn't big 
enough to fit everything we wanted on the pages.

{For this coloring page, scroll down to
"Children Praying Coloring Sheets"}

{For this coloring page, scroll down to
"I Talk to God with Prayer"}

{For this coloring page, scroll down to
"Sign of the Cross"}

{For this coloring page, scroll down to
"Hail Mary (coloring)"}
(The prayer continued to the next 2 pages)

{For this coloring page, scroll down to
"Our Father (coloring)"}
(This also continued to the next 2 pages)

{For this coloring page, scroll down to
"Color and Pray the Holy Rosary"}

For our prayer intention pages, we included pictures 
to symbolize our country, world peace, the sick and the poor.

We also included a page to remind us to pray
for our family.

 I left some blank pages in the back for adding on. When you're done, just punch holes in the left and tie it together with some string or yarn. (And yes, the ultrasound picture here gives away the fact that we made this book back in the Spring ;-)

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  1. lovely idea. thanks for all the links too. Ver y interested in the coloring pages for the Hail Mary and the Our Father.

  2. Oh, so cute and meaningful for little ones! Thanks for sharing!

  3. when I feel better, this will be on my "to do" list :) good ideas as always!

  4. I am so glad to see that your cupcake background is back again. Catholic Icing just wasn't the same without it.
    By the way, we LOVE this craft. It reminds my kids and I of a lapbook.

  5. Oooh, I love this! Thank you so much, this will help me with my 4 year old!

  6. Beautiful Lacy! You are always so creative!! I would like to use this idea too!

  7. Adorable! I LOVE this for my little ones! Thank you for the links and easy-to-do. Blessings!!!!

  8. This is on our to do list for our upcoming school year. GREAT IDEA! how about that homeschool curriculum??


Thanks for your comments! They're the icing on my cake ;-)