John 3:16 Valentine Craft

I had seen this cute idea online in multiple places to spell out the word "Valentine" using the bible verse John 3:16. So I thought, "Why not make that into a kid's craft?" ;-) Took a little tweaking to convert it from the KJV to the RSV, but I figured it out.

For older kids, they can start by writing "Valentine" down their paper any way you choose (in this example, I spelled it out written on heart shaped stickers).

Then you just fill the bible verse in around it.
You can also provide them some papers for matting it,
or decorate it any way you desire.

I also thought it would be fun to do one with conversation hearts! (Please don't eat conversation hearts after you've written on them with a marker and glued them to paper, ok?) lol! My daughter is only 3, so I wrote it all out for her and just let her match the letters up and glue them on herself.

She did a pretty good job, and she was so proud!

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  1. Oh, this looks like fun! :)

    I have some little heart shaped foam in different colors. I'll try that with my students because I know they will eat the candy and I know I would too. LOL!

    Maybe with big hearts make a bulletin board? Oh, you could do a lot with this. Thank you for posting!

  2. Thank you for converting it to the RSV! I've seen the "Valentine" verse before but never taken the thought or time to do that. And I love the craft developed from it.

  3. This looks like such a cute craft! Thank you so much for sharing, and gathering such great ideas from different sources.

    I used the edible candle craft you posted among the ideas for Candlemas at our parish Rose Girls Group yesterday. It was a big hit and so easy. Thanks again, and I look forward to checking back often.

  4. I *love* this idea!! My little girl is at Catholic school and this is a perfect fun craft for her. Thank you!

    ~ Sarah

  5. HI Lacy!
    I just used this idea for our Pre-K through 2nd grade homeschool group and changed it to a group activity due to time and my lack of time to prepare a page for every child. Here is my post if you want to check it out:

    Thanks so much!
    Tracy at "A Slice of Smith Life"

  6. I tried this one out, and got some lovely compliments about it! Thanks for posting! :)


Thanks for your comments! They're the icing on my cake ;-)