Feast of St. Ambrose- Dec 7

St. Ambrose's feast day is coming up. Here's a compilation of ideas for his feast day celebration! :-)

Try this Sweet Beehive Cake from Family Fun.
I just love the little bee cookies that go
with this cake!!!

O Night Divine had this adorable craft...
beeswax ornaments! :-)
Ramblings of a Crazy Woman has a cute
Preschooler bumble bee craft project.
I found this egg carton bee craft for elementary
aged kids at Tiger and Lily Boutique.

This could also be a great day to make your Christ candle! :-)

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St. Nicholas Crafts for Kids

St. Nicholas Day is coming up on December 6! I found this great website called the St. Nicholas Center with a ton of great ideas! Here are some of my favorites I found on the site:

See multiple random St. Nicholas crafts, including this
super easy idea of folding a regular napkin into St. Nick's Hat! :-)
Wouldn't these be so cute at your dinner table on the 6th?

Find multiple St. Nicholas printable coloring sheets for children.

Check out this St. Nicholas Pizza
(amongst other fun food ideas!)

There were multiple ideas for making St. Nicholas Figures,
but I just loved this little guy! :-)

There were 3 Different St. Nicholas Felt Projects.
I like this puppet!
One of my favorite ideas they had was turning a regular
chocolate Santa into St. Nicholas! They show 3 different examples.

Check back soon for more St. Nicholas Day ideas!

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Jesse Trees

It's time for advent and therefore, time to pull out your Jesse tree! Don't have one yet? No problem. Check out this selection of ideas for your Jesse Tree this year:

Here's a printable set of Jesse Tree Symbols
your kids can color themselves!
Make this adorable Jesse Tree with Domestic-Church.com
O Night Divine had the cutest idea to throw a Jesse "Tea" with food for every symbol of the Jesse tree. Aren't these coat of many color cookies so cute? Click here to see the rest of their Jesse Tree Foods :-)

To read more about the traditions of the Jesse Tree, click here.

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Advent Ideas

The First Sunday of Advent is tomorrow! Are you ready? Well, here are some ideas to help you and your family celebrate this season of waiting ;-)

I just love this kid's advent wreath craft project from
Catholic Mom using hand prints!

Here are some DIY Advent Wreath Instructions
from Catholic Culture.

Roots and Wings has a tutorial on how to make this beautiful paper-style advent chain out of fabric. Alternately, you could print an advent chain from Catholicmom.com.

Loved this DIY Advent Log from By Sun and Candlelight.
I also think this down-loadable
advent coloring sheetfrom Catholicmom.com
is fun and educational!

I Blog Therefore I Am has a great preschool-K
advent lesson page that is a must see! Everything from
Crafts & Music to vocabulary lessons!

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Nativity Art Project

Here's another great Christmas idea from That Artist Woman... a silhouette nativity art project! I think it very beautifully portrays the holy family. I was really impressed with this project :-)

For full details to complete the project yourself, click here.

The birth of Jesus is also the third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary.
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Angel Art Projects

I thought it would be fun to post some Angel art projects for the Christmas season! All of these ideas come from That Artist Woman. She is the art teacher at a Catholic school. I absolutely adore her blog because she gives very detailed photo tutorials on each of her projects. If you home school, please bookmark her site and come back to all of her amazing art projects for your little ones! :-)

Click the Links to see the full directions of completing each project:

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DIY Nativity Ideas

Given that I launched Catholic Icing during the Christmas season, I thought it would be fun to start off with some ideas about keeping Christmas centered where it should be... around Christ! :-)

I found this great photo tutorial over at Holes In My Shiny Veneer for making your own nativity set out of spool dolls! Part one shows how to make the holy family:

Part two goes on to show you how to make the wise men, shepherds, and angel.

I think this set is so cute! This would be a great gift idea to make for a younger child, or a wonderful craft project to do with an older child. Such a fun idea! :-)

I also found this DIY nativity set on Family Fun. It's a little more complicated to make, but is just beautiful! Find the complete directions for this one here.

Here is the link to a free nativity lap book you can print

Make a nativity with these directions from a tea box
over at Sweetness & Light.

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Submit Some Catholic Icing

Have you done a really cool Catholic craft with your kids? Or maybe you made a really neat cake or other treat to celebrate a feast day? Maybe you've seen something someone else has done that you think belongs here. That's great!

If you've done something or seen something cool you'd like to share with the Catholic community, please don't hesitate to submit it to me! I'm always on the lookout for creative ideas, and you'd certainly be doing me a favor by not making me track it down myself ;-)

Even if you don't have a blog, you can just submit your idea with a picture via email, or upload it to flickr.

So get to crackin' on those Catholic Ideas, and submit those links! And if you have a creative Catholic blog, drop me an email with your address so I can put you in my reader and refer back for more great ideas!

Send Submissions To:

Thanks for all your help!

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Contact Me

Looking for me? I'm sure you can find me on my facebook page, because I like to hang around there a lot! So if you have a question or a picture of a Catholic project you'd like to share, try posting it on my Catholic Icing facebook wall!

Due to the amazing growth of this blog, I have started to limit the amount of time I spend on my emails. As you can imagine, running this blog takes a lot of time- and I love doing it! However, I am a full time mother, wife, and daughter of Christ, and only a part time blogger. Please read my frequently asked questions before sending an email. Thanks!

Catholic Icing Frequently Asked Questions: 

I'm Looking for a Project/Idea that I'm not finding on Catholic Icing. Can you help?
Try using my "search" box located in the right column. I hope you find what you're looking for! Unfortunately, if you don't, I can't write individual lesson plans for anyone or send personal emails with links to other projects. I'm sure you understand how time consuming this could become. But feel free to make a suggestion for a future post!

Questions about the church:
I'm not a theological expert, so I don't feel comfortable answering questions about the Catholic faith. I know the importance of asking hard questions, but this site is just the "Icing". Please direct these questions to someone more qualified to answer them.

Can you promote my ______?
I provide free resources to my readers, and I use my site to spread the word about other free Catholic resources as well. I do recommend things from time to time that can be purchased if I use and love the product, but these are usually things I find on my own. If you're looking to use Catholic Icing as a way to get the word out about your Catholic product, please see my advertisement page

I'd like to Submit a Project! Will you post it on Catholic Icing?
Cool! As you know, I love to post Catholic projects from all over the internet! Please email me your links when you do something you're proud of- it just might get featured! There's more of a chance I will put something on my blog if you have taken good photographs of the completed project, include directions, and make something that's easy for others to recreate. If you have something you'd like me to see, please send the direct link to that post. Also, watch for "link ups" here on Catholic Icing where everyone has the opportunity to share their posts! :-)

I have a new Catholic blog! Would you like to check it out?
I actually have a special place on my facebook page for all of you to post the links to your blogs. Find it here. :-) (*note* You might need to "like" my page before this link works.) I love checking out new Catholic blogs, and I wish I had more time to read all of your blogs and comment on them!

Can I post one of your pictures on my site and/or link to you?
Feel free to link to anything here- and thank you to everyone who does link to Catholic Icing! It is also fine to post my pictures for personal use if you link back and give proper credit. Please do not use more than one of my pictures from any one project, and do not re-post directions for completing my projects. I would ask instead that you direct your readers to my site to find more pictures and project directions. It is not ok to use my projects or pictures for monetary gain in any way.

Can I use your project for my ____?
All of my personal craft projects, artwork, printables, and ideas are freely shared here at Catholic Icing for personal use only. My work may not be sold or reproduced for profit in any way without my explicit permission. My work also may not be re-published in any form. I work very hard to keep the resources here at Catholic Icing free to the Catholic community. If you would like to inquire about publishing some of my craft ideas in your Catholic materials, please email me for details and I will send you my prices. Thank you for understanding. I would be happy to answer any questions you have in regards to using the material you find here at Catholic Icing if you send me a personal message.

That's all, folks! If I still haven't answered your question, it might be time to send me an email. I love hearing from my readers! Thank you to everyone who lets me know that my site has been blessing their lives! Running Catholic Icing is an important mission to me. I want bring religion to kids in a fun way, and it's great to know I'm accomplishing that goal! I can no longer reply to all of my emails, but I read and cherish each and every comment and email about this blog. Thank you for being such amazing, responsive readers! :-) My email address: lacy {at} catholicicing {dot} com

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I'm Lacy, and it's very nice to meet you. I'm glad you found this blog! Now we're able to share our Catholic ides with one another online :-)

I am 25 years old, and have been married for 6 years. And yes, I am aware that I am insane. God has blessed us with 3 beautiful children. Lydia is 4, Julian is 2, and Violet is my baby girl! :-)

I was raised Catholic, but developed my passion for Catholicism through a conversion in high school at a Catholic youth conference. This is when I first started dabbling in Catholic Art.

I was an art education major in college, studying to be an elementary school art teacher with a concentration in ceramics, but I dropped out 3 semesters shy of graduating to stay home with our first daughter.

My husband graduated from Franciscan University after what felt like an eternity of college. After graduation, we picked up our 2 kids and moved to Northern Virginia to accept my husband's current job as an IT Manager for a Catholic church and school.

Being married and having multiple children while my husband was in college and I stayed at home certainly brought out my frugal side, and I really developed a passion for saving money. That is one of the reasons why I started this blog- to provide a free resource of Catholic Ideas to the Catholic community. I know there were times that I simply didn't have the option of buying a book to help me celebrate the feast days or come up with craft ideas, so I feel that this blog fills a needed hole in the Catholic community.

I love the Catholic faith and want nothing more than for my children to share this passion. I hope you find some ideas here for your own Catholic family or students to grow with their love for the faith as well!

Some more random things about me...

I love to paint- especially in purple!

We live in a super old farmhouse that's so big we
couldn't possibly have enough children to fill it ;-)

I love making wedding videos, but rarely have the time anymore.

I enjoy playing guitar music for children.

If you'd like to contact me with a question or a comment, leaving it on my facebook page is a great way to get a hold of me! If you have something of a more personal nature to ask, you could also email me at lacy {at} catholicicing {dot} com.

Feel free to comment and introduce yourself!

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About Catholic Icing

What this site is about: 
Catholic Icing is a place where I provide and share free Catholic ideas for Catholic kids and families. I feel it is important to have free ideas available for the Catholic community as everyone cannot afford to buy books or other resources, nor does everyone have the ability to come up with all of their own ideas. This is mostly a place to find crafts, but you will also find a lot of various ideas including fun food, coloring pages, lesson plans, and anything else that I consider to be "Catholic Icing".

Why Call it "Catholic Icing"?
This site is called Catholic Icing because it only concentrates on the "extras". The ideas you will find here are for enhancing your faith and making it fun for your kids, but it doesn't actually provide you will the substance your faith needs. These ideas are for after you have a solid foundation for your "Catholic Cake" which means you attend mass on Sundays and Holy days of obligation, go to confession, educate yourself about the church, etc...

A big thank you to everyone who allows me to share their ideas
here on Catholic Icing! You're a blessing to us all!

     To start finding all the creative Catholic ideas that Catholic Icing has to offer you, Try searching the different categories in my left side bar, or go to my homepage to see the most up-to-date posts! :-)
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    Keeping the Catholic resources on my site free for my readers is my first priority.  I don't want to charge my readers for the content here- I believe it should be available for free to everyone. The purpose of CatholicIcing.com is to help you find ideas for celebrating the Catholic faith with your families or classrooms. By sharing ideas, crafts, snacks, and lesson plans, I hope to help you bring the Catholic faith to children around the world - and I love doing it! At the same time, I believe that it’s perfectly okay for me to be paid for the time and effort put into this blog. I have a number of costs associated with running a blog of this size including hosting space, tech support, etc not to mention craft supplies ;-).

    I accept paid advertising on the sidebar of the blog, and I use affiliate links when appropriate. What this means is that sometimes when you see a link, I get a small kickback from the company for each person who orders something from the site. I only post about products that I have, or that I wish I had. You won't see me recommend random things here just to make a quick buck! I cannot be paid for a good review - if I don't like the product I'm not going to say that I do. Period. You can trust that I'm being honest in every opinion and review I share here at Catholic Icing, and sponsored posts will always be disclosed to my readers.

    Sometimes my site contains content that might be a conflict of interest- and I don't always identify it. I'm not looking to offend anyone, but we're not all going to agree on everything.

    I will never accept business from a website or company that I cannot endorse. I have turned down opportunities for ads and content before for this reason, and you can rest assured that I will do it again and again.

    I do link to a lot of other blogs and websites when I see projects or ideas I think will be useful for my readers. I do not necessarily agree with the views or content of the other sites I link to. I will do my best to avoid linking to sites of which I do not agree.

    I also have some ad network ads on this blog. I do have some control over what is advertised, and I have done my best to filter out offensive material. If you ever see anything in these ads that you think I wouldn't agree with, please email me- I probably don't know it's there. 

    Catholic Icing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

    Thank you to everyone who shares their ideas with the Catholic community here! :-) Everything I post at Catholic Icing is meant to be beneficial to the Catholic and the blogging community. I always give credit to where each idea came from. I never include more than one picture of any one project or any directions for completing the project. The point of this is to direct to internet traffic back to the site where I found the idea.

    However, if you see your work on this site and would like to have it removed, please email me.

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